
8 Best Lead Generation Tools to Capture More Leads in 2024

Finding and nurturing enough high-quality sales leads is the foundation of any successful business. After all, without customers willing to spend money on your...

26 Ways to Reduce Form Abandonment and Capture Lost Leads

Imagine if every single site visitor converted. Every time you led someone to your landing page, they signed up for the free trial. Every...

Wo findet man einzelne Gutenberg Blocks?

René Dasbeck | Wer nicht hinter dem Mond lebt als WordPress-Entwickler oder Webseitenbetreiber hat es vermutlich schon mitbekommen. WordPress führt ab der Version 5.0...

Day in the Life of a Software Engineer: Exploring Remote vs Hybrid Work

Are you considering a career as a web developer but would like some deeper insight into what a day in the life of a...

Jetpack – Problematische Module deaktivieren

Da die Anzahl der Jetpack-Module im Laufe der Jahre wuchs, haben wir uns entschieden, unsere Schnittstelle zu vereinfachen. Wir aktivieren jetzt standardmäßig unsere nützlichsten...

Annual Survey Results, WordPress 6.5 Beta, Nginx Fork 🗞️ March 2024 WordPress News w/ CodeinWP

We are back with the latest edition of our monthly WordPress news roundup, covering all the biggest WordPress news and events from the past...
t3n-Magazin | CMS

WordPress-Plugins für SEO: Diese 15 Plugins solltest du kennen

Die SEO-Optimierung der eigenen WordPress-Seite kostet in der Regel Zeit und Nerven. Dabei gibt es Plugins, die All-in-one-Lösungen für die Optimierung bieten, oder WordPress-Plugins,...

The Ultimate Guide To WordPress Security

On December 9, 2021, 1.6 Million WordPress sites were hit with 13.7 million attacks in 36 hours - That data only includes the blocked...

Digital Marketing Statistics

Explore the latest digital marketing statistics, the ins and outs of Email marketing, PPC, SEO, E-commerce, influencer marketing, and more. Lesen Sie weiter auf: Digital...

10 Best Ecommerce Plugins for WordPress (Revised for 2024)

WordPress isn't just a mere content management system, you can do so much more with it. By optimizing your site with the best eCommerce...